
Sexy Cara Mell With Her Perfect Tits


Flawless boobs ever

A tempting and irresistible urge draws us as we are happy and always eager to accept an invitation from the sweet sexy Cara Mell to see her in her private quarters and experience the taste of some unique caramel goodness first hand. So following her to her spacious little corner where her bed is, she greets us in her almost too revealing undergarments wearing a smile and looking suggestively towards the camera. This cold looking white brick room is about to get an explosive rise on the temperature and maybe a little louder on the side to go with the mood.

Be sure to check out the goods always before the tasting although this blonde guarantees you will be hooked before you even know it. That figure alone speaks volumes to support her claims and in case you are still feeling all skeptical about it, she will present you her magnificent lustrous ass so that you can leave all your doubts aside. Just looking at that thing up close is enough to have you drooling, but Cara will not stop there. She just keeps hitting us with more until she gets the message through. With a sneak peek of her pussy she is about to come forward with a lot more reveals.

A little sleigh of the hand and more tricks are not her style, but she will keep no secrets from you and she brings out the big guns as her perfect tits are coming to play the field. Having her bed place up against the corner might be a good idea since it could get pushed around a lot by her habits. Since from what it seems, laying down and giving herself some self pleasuring is nothing rare to say the least. Imagine what this broad is up to when there’s a guest involved in the mix…

Photoshoot Review

Scenery - 66%
Model - 95%
Lighting - 91%
Creativity - 61%
Quality - 94%


Total Score

User Rating: 4.16 ( 7 votes)

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