Mpl Studios

Kiki in Red Zone

Mpl Studios

Photoshoot Review

Scenery - 57%
Model - 74%
Lighting - 94%
Creativity - 54%
Quality - 94%


Total Score

User Rating: 4.38 ( 5 votes)

Our Thoughts!

Burning red hot lips and a bulging bust that is absolutely not for the faint of heart, need I say more? Kiki is here ready to play hardball and she does what she does best even while she is laying down on the couch. There are only two points of interest in this entire setting that will quickly catch your eye. But even though you might be into eccentric red stylish couches, we are gonna focus entirely on the delight that is Kiki. Too much red is not nearly enough to make you look away from those mounds of madness she is equipped with. So lock and load as she takes off to play with her shaved little pussy and toy with your emotions.

With such a cute doll face, amazing glossy hot lips and the body of a sex bomb this brunette is most certainly what you want to find lounging on your couch. The rather dull background used is all in absence maybe for a good reason, but on the contrary, the light on this babe is phenomenal to say the least. It’s no surprise there is all this radiance about her and you can see the light reflected perfectly on her smooth skin. Simple theme with a plain choice of clothes and the good ‘ol couch recipe is at least done in contrast with the colors used, that do an amazing job at letting the most notable points stand out and make it count.

Only thing that is left to blow us away are the spotless images of unquestionable finesse and level of detail that fits the occasion. A series of amazing angles, captured to perfectly deliver the most flattering image of this model possible, and make you gasp at every inch of skin revealed. Never settle for a woman in red when you can have a woman on a red couch in her birthday suit.

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