A beautiful nude photoshoot on a rooftop
What a great day outside for catching some sunlight and lifting spirits up high. Things would not be the same though if we could not enjoy the added pleasure of having Olivia Preston accompany us to the rooftop for some city style sunbathing one – o – one. It is what turns a nice view to a gorgeous one and if any of the neighbors were watching, we are sure they would approve and give a big thumbs up for the pleasant treat. Living it up in the big city is not only restricted to social interactions and wild nights out. Thus this glamorous looking hot blonde whips out her fine ass silhouette that really stands out, with the attitude and air of a posh luxurious model.
It is all about feeling good and she just wants to feel great all day long so with every small chance she gets. Short after taking off every last bit of clothing, it is time to let that sweet pink pussy get some cool morning breeze before letting the sun warm it up again some more. It is clear that her perky little tits have no such need, as she probably hangs around not wearing a bra in the first place. Setting her nipples free is after all only making her days more fun and less restricting physically. We can tell she spends her time taking advantage of the open air space since she does seem to have prepared her folding chair and a blanket to lay on for when she needs to be on the floor.
Take note folks, you never know which building near you is housing sexy bodies and wonderful girls that follow Olivia by example, frequently running around naked with their pale skinned butts out on their roofs. Just look out your windows and focus on those colorful eccentric fabrics laid down by their feet.